The McCammon Group Enters Federal Sector
For Immediate Release
June 12, 2006
For more information contact: Geoff Drucker
703-582-9971 or
Toll Free: (888) 343-0922
Under the leadership of Geoff Drucker, former Chief Counsel for Dispute Resolution and Prevention, U.S. Postal Service, The McCammon Group is offering facilitation, training, mediation, and arbitration services to federal agencies. The General Services Administration recently awarded the Group a contract on its Worldwide Federal Supply Schedule (GSA Advantage).
Mr. Drucker said one of the most difficult parts of his job at the Postal Service was locating ADR providers with the skills and experience needed to facilitate and mediate complex matters. “I relied on a small circle of contacts with whom I was well acquainted. Many people in the federal government don’t have that kind of network, so they need a supplier they can trust.” Mr. Drucker added: “Federal officials are smart: they know that having a bad mediator, facilitator, or trainer is worse than doing without one. So the more confident they can be in their choice of a professional, the more they are going to use ADR”
The cadre of professionals available to federal agencies includes:
Donald Arnavas
Former Judge, Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals
Judith Filner
Former Director of Conflict Resolution Education Network
Barbara Hulburt
First Director, Department of Dispute Resolution Services, Supreme Court of Virginia
Dawn Martin
Dispute Resolution Consultant to USAID/Multi-national Organizations
Alexia Morrison
Former Chief Litigation Counsel, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Melinda Ostermeyer
First Director, Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Division, Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Charles Pou
Former Director of Dispute Resolution, Administrative Conference of the United States
Robert Silverstein
Former Senior Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources
While their experience and expertise is diverse, these professionals share a common philosophy and approach to dispute resolution which emphasizes client choice.
The McCammon Group was formed in 1995 and is comprised of 52 retired judges and prominent attorneys located throughout Virginia, D.C. and Maryland. The Group handles a broad range of work in the areas of employment, contracts, construction, public policy, personal injury, family, and many other types of civil disputes.